Chronic Disease
What are chronic diseases?
Chronic diseases or conditions are any illnesses that require ongoing management, including:
- Diabetes
- Heart disease and stroke
- Cancer
Many of these conditions are caused or exacerbated by alcohol or tobacco use, poor nutrition, or lack of exercise. In Western medicine, treatments can include medications that mask the symptoms without treating the underlying cause.
How can acupuncture and Oriental medicine help treat chronic illness?
Oriental medicine is concerned with treating the entire patient — not just a single condition. While acupuncture and cupping can relieve the painful symptoms of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or stroke, a treatment plan will also include a prescription of a well-balanced diet and exercise. Herbal supplements can also help manage hormones and other issues that can make managing chronic conditions difficult. Patients with chronic illnesses may also find that they have increased depression and anxiety, both of which are also addressed through Oriental medicine and acupuncture treatment.
If you have a chronic condition such as heart disease, diabetes, or cancer, make an appointment with 120 Acupuncture Clinic today to find a new way to manage your illness.
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