Dealing with a common cold? Have an ache or pain that just won’t go away? We’ve chatted with clients who visit Dr. Ko regularly to deal with chronic issues like sciatica. 120 Acupuncture also has a group of clients who turn to Dr. Ko as their first stop when something arises- be it a common cold or a new pain. We recently interviewed long-time patient Jacob S. about his experience with Dr. Ko and 120 Acupuncture.
Jacob and his family discovered Dr. Ko six years ago when their son had bad stomach pain for a while and none of the doctor’s were able to help. “As a last resort we decided to try acupuncture and herbal medicine. My wife found Dr. Ko. After our son’s first visit he was already feeling better.”
When acupuncture works one time you tend to want to give it a try for other issues- as we’ve seen with Jacob and his family, “I received numerous acupuncture treatments from Dr. Ko any time I have pain or discomfort with great results.”
Before seeking traditional western medicine, patients turn to acupuncture and oriental medicine for solutions first. In many cases, Dr. Ko can diagnose the issues and offer a path to healing. Many clients, like Jacob, have found resounding success with this plan for living a healthy life.
Jacob spoke on how he used to automatically go to a regular physician but now when he feels a little bit under the weather his first stop is to Dr. Ko’s. “I go to Dr. Ko as my fix-all. Whenever I have aches and pains, colds, the flu, or any other health problems I book an appointment with Dr. Ko.”