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Alleviate Withdrawal Symptoms Through Acupuncture

Alleviate Withdrawal Symptoms Through Acupuncture

Addiction to any substance, benign or lethal, is a habit-based cycle that can be incredibly difficult to break. In most cases, the addict desperately wants to break the cycle and step away into freedom, but it’s the withdrawal symptoms that lure him or her back. These...
Relief for Chronic Back Pain

Relief for Chronic Back Pain

Debilitating, disruptive pain! Oh, the pain! Upper back pain, lower back pain, middle-of-the-back pain! Many of you know how it feels. You may even have experience with the one-legged balancing dance of trying to put on your shoes while your back is throbbing and...
Alleviate Migraine Pain with Acupuncture

Alleviate Migraine Pain with Acupuncture

The Prevalence of Migraines   Migraines are an extraordinarily common neurological problem, the third most prevalent medical illness in the world, which affects 12% of the population. Almost 40 million men, women, and children suffer from recurring migraines.1...
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