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How to Overcome Burnout with Acupuncture for Stress

A Stressed Woman Lying on a Bed beside Cellphones and a Laptop

“Burnout” seems to be the latest wellness hot topic, appearing everywhere from appearing in podcast episodes to clinical research papers. But, this phrase – and our desire to overcome overwork – started decades ago when the phrase was coined in the 1980s

While hustle culture and the expectation to work harder, faster, and longer is still prevalent in 2024 and beyond, we are becoming more aware of the physical, mental, and emotional toll that excessive work and chronic stress has on our health. 

For now, few of us are able to (or want to) give up our livelihoods to embrace the slow life. But here’s the good news: you can still achieve your goals and avoid the consequences of burnout. 

The secret? Acupuncture for stress. 

Understanding Stress and Burnout

Before we dive into how acupuncture can help you overcome stress and heal from (or prevent) burnout, it’s important to understand what these issues really are. 

Stress is a bad thing that should be avoided at all costs, right?

Not quite. Stress is the body’s natural reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. It can be physical, mental, or emotional and is triggered by a variety of factors, from daily hassles to major life changes. 

The body responds to stress by releasing hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, preparing us to either “fight” or “flee” from a perceived threat. This response is essential for our survival. But, it becomes problematic when it’s constantly activated by the stresses of modern life. 

Unpacking Burnout 

While burnout is related to chronic stress, it’s not the same thing. Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. 

Burnout occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet the constant demands of daily life. Unlike ordinary stress, which can be motivating in short bursts, burnout drains your energy and reduces your productivity. If you’re in burnout mode, you’re likely to feel increasingly helpless, hopeless, cynical, and resentful – even about things you used to enjoy and love, 

Signs and Symptoms of Burnout

Burnout can become a serious threat to your health. Recognizing the signs and symptoms early is the key to staying on top of your health and living a more balanced lifestyle. You may be on the verge of burnout if you experience: 

Why Dealing with Burnout Matters 

When we’re chronically stressed or overwhelmed, it’s easy to push self-care and rest to the bottom of your to-do list. However, ignoring the signs of stress and burnout can lead to a domino effect of health issues. Sleepless nights, increased pain, tension headaches, and digestive issues are common early signs. These issues may seem temporary, but they can affect how you show up in every area of your life, from work to home to play. 

When left unmanaged, these issues grow into more serious chronic conditions like high blood pressure or heart disease. Understanding stress and burnout is the first step toward managing their effects and staying on top of these preventable health issues. 

Stress and Disease: An Oriental Medicine Perspective 

Managing stress – and its effects – often requires a well-rounded approach. “Stress is the cause of all diseases. In Western medicine, if the cause or reason of an illness is ‘unknown,’ it is generally assumed that it is a symptom caused by stress or a neurological disease,” explains Dr. Ko. 

“In modern medicine, disease and symptoms caused by stress are treated separately. For this reason, there is little that can be done to help these symptoms. However, in Oriental medicine, the cause of these symptoms is that the body’s balance is broken, so acupuncture and herbal medicine are used to restore balance. The difference between Oriental medicine and Western medicine is that Oriental medicine treats it with a proper understanding of cause and effect.”


How Acupuncture for Stress Can Help You Overcome Burnout

If you’re feeling the effects of stress, you may be looking for ways to prevent burnout. But searching for that elusive “off switch” to calm your mind and relax your body can feel like just another task for your to-do list. 

That’s where acupuncture comes in. Acupuncture is a scientifically proven natural method to ease the effects of stress – both mentally and physically. The best part? It’s a passive self-care practice that has a compounding effect. The more consistently you get acupuncture, the better your body becomes at warding off stress’s negative effects and growing more resilient. 

Here are a few of the ways acupuncture helps you fight stress and prevent burnout: 

Other Ways to Manage Burnout Naturally 

Acupuncture is a great tool in the fight against stress and burnout. But there are other strategies you can adopt in your daily life to overcome stress and work towards a healthier balance: 

Balance Over Burnout: Get Acupuncture for Stress Relief at 120 Acupuncture Clinic

Addressing the effects of stress isn’t just about avoiding negative health outcomes; it’s about reclaiming our ability to enjoy life to the fullest.

“Every day, many patients come to our clinic and get treatment for emotional symptoms, such as stress, burnout, anxiety and depression,” explains Dr. Ko. Acupuncture offers a simple, gentle, and enjoyable way to ease the pressures of the modern world and feel your best, even in the face of stress. It’s a natural, time-tested therapy that asks nothing of you but to make time for yourself. 

How quickly can you bounce back to balance? That all depends on your lifestyle, how severe your stress is, and other health factors. But in most cases, 3 to 4 months of treatment with both acupuncture (2-3 times per week) and herbal medicine (twice per day) can help relieve stress by up to 70-80%.

Dr. Ko and the team at 120 Acupuncture Clinic in Studio City, Los Angeles are here to help you reset, restore, and reclaim your best work-life balance. Book your appointment today, or call us at 1-818-980-7979 to get started.