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How to Avoid Miscarriage with Acupuncture

There are few greater joys in life than finally seeing those two lines appear on a pregnancy test, especially if you have been trying to conceive for a while.

But for many women, that joy quickly turns into anxiety, as the worry of complications and miscarriage quickly creeps in. 

Unfortunately, miscarriage is a common occurrence, affecting up to 20% of women. The good news is that there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of miscarrying. This starts with giving yourself the best chance of carrying your baby to term by supporting your body with acupuncture. 

Acupuncture is a proven therapy that encourages the best possible environment for an embryo to grow into a healthy baby. Read on to find out how acupuncture could help you reduce your risk of miscarriage and experience a healthier pregnancy from conception to delivery. 

Why Does Miscarriage Happen?

A miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. It happens in at least 10-20 percent of known pregnancies. But, miscarriages may be even more common as some miscarriages occur very early, even before a woman knows she is pregnant. 

While miscarriages are relatively common, it is still a devastating experience for many women. Understanding why miscarriages happen can help us heal and prepare for a healthy, full-term pregnancy. 

Common Causes of Miscarriage 

From the Oriental medicine perspective, there are a few additional root causes that lead to miscarriage. Dr. Ko explains that, “Modern medicine thinks of the human body mechanically. It assumes that if they treat it, it will become new. But Oriental medicine sees the human body organically. In Oriental medicine, we see the body as one, and treat the entire system as a whole.”

How Acupuncture Helps You Avoid Miscarriage and Help Your Baby Thrive 

By knowing the causes and risk factors associated with miscarriage, we are better equipped to make health and lifestyle decisions to improve our chances of a healthy pregnancy. 

One of the most impactful ways to support your body before and during pregnancy is with acupuncture. Not only does acupuncture help increase your chances of conceiving, but can also help reduce your risk of miscarriage and set you up for a healthier pregnancy. Here are five key ways acupuncture helps you avoid miscarriage: 

Dr. Ko’s Tips for a Healthy First Trimester 

120 Acupuncture Supports You From Bump to Baby 

Whether you are in the early stages of pregnancy, or just starting your fertility journey, it is never too early to start acupuncture treatments. At 120 Acupuncture, we are here to help you have the healthiest pregnancy possible with acupuncture and other holistic therapies. Book your appointment here, or call us at 1-818-980-7979.